Clearwater Wells drills wells year-round!
Clearwater Wells drills wells year-round!
Call/Text 907-795-2531
We offer water well drilling for residential, commercial, and remote customers seeking new wells almost anywhere in Alaska. When you call us, we research your property and all nearby wells so that we can provide you with as much information as possible so that you can plan and budget accordingly. We want to make your well project as stress-free as we can! For general information and answers to the most common questions we receive about well drilling, please click here.
We also offer well drilling for cabins and remote properties off of the road system! We have two offroad drill rigs that we can use depending on the access available to your property and your specific water needs. Please see the Our Drill Rigs section below to read about our offroad drill rigs. Please click here to download an information sheet about cabin well drilling and pricing.
If you have a cabin or property off of the road system and are interested in getting a water well in the woods, give us a call at 907-795-2531 for more information and a quote. We can also help you determine the best pump system for your cabin well, and have options for off-grid and solar/alternative power.
After we drill your well, whether your property is in the city or at a remote property, we can install your well pump when you are ready. We offer pump installation at low rates for our drilling customers. We also can help you find the right excavation service to install the pump and plumb the line to your residence.
Our two highway/road rigs are Ingersoll-Rand TH60 drill rigs.
Our two highway/road rigs are Ingersoll-Rand TH60 drill rigs.
We use a custom built drill rig mounted on a tracked Marooka to drill wells where our road rigs cannot access.
Our smallest drill rig is mounted on a Ford F150 on Rubitracks and can travel almost anywhere a snowmachine can go.
The Meyers. Our youngest son's first moose (Kavik, age 12).
The Meyers.
The Meyers at the family cabin on the Delta Clearwater River, near where Carin's great-grandparents homesteaded in the 1940s.
Carin's moose, with her favorite guide, Frank.
Frank measuring the flow on a 100+ gpm commercial well in the Interior.
Carin wears her favorite hat while doing her favorite hobby.
Clearwater Wells is a family-owned water well drilling company owned by long-time Mat-Su Valley residents Frank and Carin Meyer. Frank and Carin live in Palmer, Alaska, with their two sons, and operate Clearwater Wells from a shop located off of Bogard Rd. in Wasilla.
Frank is an Inupiaq Alaska Native whose family comes from the Nome region of Alaska. Originally a mechanic with the Operating Engineers, he began working in directional drilling in 2011 and later began working with a local water well drilling company in the Mat-Su before launching Clearwater Wells with his co-owner, Carin. Born and raised in Anchorage, Carin worked in public relations, marketing, and communications for more than a decade before opening Clearwater Wells. She has served on the board of directors for the Palmer Chamber of Commerce and is also a published author. If you would like to learn more about Frank and Carin and their company, listen to their interview with The Driller Magazine here.
Clearwater Wells is named after the beautiful Delta Clearwater River, where Carin's great grandparents homesteaded in the 1940s and where the family still has a cabin. Every summer, Clearwater Wells regularly drills in Delta Junction, Tok, Fairbanks, Healy, and throughout the Interior. Learn more about our company and its story by following our Facebook page at
Clearwater Wells is a member of the Alaska Water Well Association and the National Ground Water Association. Clearwater Wells is also a registered Groundwater Protector and are proud members of the Palmer Chamber of Commerce, Wasilla Chamber of Commerce, and the Mat-Su Home Builders Association. Our company is licensed, bonded, and insured.
907-795-2531 (call or text)
6830 Green Glen Drive, Wasilla, Alaska 99654, United States
A water well is an important purchase and we love answering your questions so that you can start planning your new property or continue to develop an existing one. Call or text us today for information on the depths around you and a free estimate!
Copyright © 2019 Clearwater Wells - All Rights Reserved.
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